Ande Aditya


8 Green Business Ideas to Consider

Green businesses focus on lowering their contributions to climate change and being mindful of natural resources.

Are you thinking of starting a business but don’t know how to narrow down your niche? If you’re an eco-minded individual, you should seriously think about launching a green company. Not only is it your way of saving the planet, it can also generate income, thanks to today’s consumers caring more about corporate social responsibility.

Here are 8 ideas to give you some inspiration:

What Is a Green Business?

To be considered a green business, your company must be conscious of sustainability—meaning you target using as minimal energy, water, and raw materials as you can.

Green businesses focus on lowering their contributions to climate change and being mindful of natural resources. They are more concerned about being good to the environment versus making a big profit.  

Green Businesses You Can Start

If you are passionate about the environment and want to play a role in lessening the impact of fossil fuels, you may want to seriously think about venturing into any of the following:

1. Sustainable Construction Materials

Construction is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the word eco-friendly, but that is only because of materials like steel and concrete. If you incorporate sustainable materials, it is a different story. 

 These materials can include:

  • Bamboo
  • Recycled plastic
  • Cork
  • Reclaimed wood
  • Straw bales

2. Ink Refilling

Starting an ink-refilling business is a great way to be environmentally conscious. Empty ink cartridges that just pile up in landfills will only cause problems down the line. Your business can combat that by encouraging more people to reuse their old cartridges instead of throwing them out. 

3. Upcycled Furniture

Old furniture does not need to be thrown out right away. With inexpensive materials and plenty of creativity, you can turn trash into treasure. A fresh coat of paint, for instance, can make a rundown-looking table look brand new, whereas a simple reupholstery can give a couch a major upgrade.

You can also take the wood from old tables and use the pieces to make a new bookshelf. Breathing life back into outdated furniture does not only help the environment. You can also earn money in the process by selling your upcycled works.  

4. Bicycle Repair

With the rising cost of fuel around the world, it is easy to see why people are looking for alternative means of transport, such as biking. Biking is not just cheaper than driving a car. It is also great for one’s overall well-being and healthy for the environment.

However, like cars and other forms of transportation, bikes need regular maintenance. That is where you can come in. 

By starting a bike repair shop, you can fix broken chains, replace old wheels, and make old bicycles almost brand new. You can think of it as one of the ways to promote a healthier environment. 

5. Organic Catering Services

If you care about the environment and are also passionate about food, why not establish an organic catering company to enjoy the best of both worlds? 

More people nowadays care about eating healthy, so they will appreciate having a wider variety of food to enjoy. Your meals can be made using locally grown ingredients and you can offer vegan, halal, gluten, and paleo options.

Of course, being a green business, you will want to avoid using styrofoam and plastic utensils and switch to more environmentally friendly packaging.

6. All-Natural Products

People are steering clear of ingredients like alcohol, parabens, and sulfates because they are better aware of their impact. As a result, organic or all-natural products have become more popular.

If you decide to start selling skin care, soaps, shampoos, and other personal care products with organic ingredients, there will definitely be a market for you. You can sell these products online or at local markets.

7. Green Cleaning Services

With many professionals too busy to clean their homes as often as they want, cleaning service providers have become common. You can distinguish yourself from the competition by using only all-natural cleaning products to clean bathrooms, living rooms, and other rooms in a client’s home. 

It is up to you to decide whether to charge hourly or offer packages, but what matters is you build a good reputation among your clients. After all, you will be going to their homes. You want to make sure prospective clients will trust you.

8. Thrifted Items

The cost of living today is more expensive than it was in the past. New things are being sold at higher prices, which has increased people’s interest in thrifting. Social media is rife with posts and videos of thrift store finds—many of which are of high quality. 

Thrifted clothes are often sold at a much lower price than apparel found in malls. Selling them can combat fast fashion and its detrimental effects on the environment. 

Now although clothes are typically the most common items sold in thrift shops, you do not have to limit yourself to selling them. You can also sell secondhand toys, appliances, and tableware, among others. 

In Closing

These are just a few examples of the kinds of green businesses you can start. It is up to you to decide which one you would like to pursue. However, if you need guidance on how to get started, don’t hesitate to talk to a startup expert Thailand like Ande Aditya. As a business consultant, he can also give you advice on other business matters.

Visit Ande Aditya to schedule a consultation with Ande today. 

Please read more about Ande’s thought leadership on Future Businesses and the top 10 technologies that would prevail in our future times. 

Bio Revolution | Clean Energy | Sustainability


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As a Startup Specialist and the founder of Aditya Group, Thailand, Ande Aditya is often hired as a Business Advisor to assist business owners to execute their vision.

21 Industries | 22 Startups | 6 Countries | 12 Awards

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