Ande Aditya


Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Reality

What You Should Know Before Using Virtual Reality

What You Should Know Before Using Virtual Reality

The world is now as advanced as ever, with new technology being developed left and right. While virtual reality is not a new concept, its presence has become more noticeable in recent years. Now, it is not just used for video games. It has also become a valuable tool for other industries.

Here are the things you should know about virtual reality technology, including its advantages and disadvantages:

Virtual Reality 101

Virtual reality, or VR, is a type of technology that allows people to have a close-to-life experience of a virtual world. It is highly advanced and uses software and hardware to let users see, hear, touch, and put their other senses to use, much like they do in the real world. The user can also control the virtual environment and make it fit whatever needs they have. 

Virtual reality can be applied in areas such as:

  • Gaming
  • Education
  • Engineering 
  • Media 
  • Medicine
  • Films

Since more industries are exploring virtual reality and the pricing of devices has decreased, VR is now more accessible than ever. This means more people can take advantage of the technology’s features no matter where they are. 

The Advantages of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has numerous benefits for businesses and consumers alike. Here are some of them:

1. It Allows Users to Explore a Place Without Being Physically Present

This is the main draw of virtual reality technology. Whether through video games or training courses, people can be fully immersed in a different world without stepping foot outside of their homes. They can have plenty of fun in the virtual world or learn many new things. They may even explore real-life museums, condo units, and more. 

2. It Makes Training Safer

Virtual reality does not only make training more convenient. It can also make it safer. Now, it is possible to simulate scenarios such as surgeries, burning buildings, or combat missions—situations that are dangerous in real life. 

With this technology, a doctor-to-be or pilot-in-training can practice and build their skills without putting their lives and the lives of others at stake. 

3. It Enhances Learning 

Virtual reality does not replace textbooks. Rather, it supplements them. Using VR can help students understand their lessons further. They can apply what they have learned in classroom discussions to the virtual environment. 

4. It Makes Online Shopping More Reliable

One reason why a number of people are not keen on buying items online is that they are afraid of getting something unexpected, like a table that is too big for the room or a mattress that is too small for their bed frame. They do not want to waste their money and spend extra effort returning the order back to where it came from. 

Virtual reality can minimize these common e-commerce issues and help customers and sellers alike. Buyers can make more informed decisions by using VR to get a closer look at the items they are eyeing. That means sellers can also experience fewer complaints and returns. 

The Disadvantages of Virtual Reality

While virtual reality is undoubtedly full of different benefits, it also has its shortcomings. Here are a few downsides of this technology:

1. It Lacks Interaction

While VR technology takes care of honing technical skills, it cannot replace actual human interaction. Students and employees undergoing training must also have someone they can ask questions to and share experiences with. 

2. It Can Be Complex to Master

It can take time for a person to know their way around virtual reality. Depending on the reason they are using the technology, they may need special training on how to use the technology. 

3. It Can Have Negative Effects on the Body

VR technology requires the use of equipment like headsets (thick goggles to be placed over the eyes), headphones, and hand controllers. If used for long periods of time, therefore, it can have the following consequences on the body:

  • Eye strain
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea  
4. It Can Be Addicting

Besides headaches and eye strain, spending too much time in a virtual world may also lead to addiction, especially when it comes to video games. A person may become too engrossed and neglect their work, education, and relationships with their loved ones. They may also fail to take proper care of their basic needs. 

To avoid addiction, virtual reality should be used in moderation. 


In Conclusion

With its many benefits, the world of virtual reality can definitely be worth venturing into. This technology continues to grow in popularity, and it will become even more commonplace in the near future. However, do not forget to take VR’s downsides into consideration when planning how to incorporate it into your business.  

If you need advice on this or have other questions to ask a startup expert Thailand, make sure to contact an experienced business consultant like Ande Aditya. Just go to Startup in Thailand to schedule a consultation at your convenience. 


Please read more about Ande’s thought leadership on Future Businesses and the top 10 technologies that would prevail in our future times. 

Bio Revolution | Genetic Engineering | Clean Energy | Virtual Reality | Sustainability | Nano Technology | Machine Learning | Internet of Things (IoT) | Artificial Intelligence | Cyber Security & Cloud Computing


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As a Startup Specialist and the founder of Aditya Group, Thailand, Ande Aditya is often hired as a Business Advisor to assist business owners to execute their vision.

21 Industries | 22 Startups | 6 Countries | 12 Awards

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