Ande Aditya

How is CSR related to sustainability?

How is CSR related to sustainability

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is closely related to sustainability as it encompasses a company’s efforts to operate in an economically, socially, and environmentally responsible manner. CSR is a voluntary approach taken by businesses to go beyond their legal obligations and address the broader impact of their activities on society and the environment.

Sustainability, on the other hand, refers to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves responsible resource management, environmental stewardship, and social equity.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR generally refers to an organisation’s commitment to carry out environmental and socially sustainable practices, acting in a responsible and beneficial way to the environment and the social landscapes around the business.

The concept of organisations acting responsibly is not a new one; the idea of corporate social responsibility dates back to the 1950s. However, with an ever increasing awareness of green issues (like climate change) and a larger societal push from consumers and governing bodies for companies to act in socially responsible ways, the term CSR has become increasingly relevant for modern businesses.

CSR is a business practice based around the impact an organisation has on society (employees, customers and members of the community around their business operations). So, with this in mind, a business might implement a CSR strategy with an aim to create a fairer business environment for its employees, reduce their impact on the local environment by reducing pollution or support charity initiatives that aid local communities.

A CSR report is both an internal and external facing document, which companies can use to communicate their CSR efforts. The main categories of which are environmental, societal (including ethical and philanthropic actions) and economic factors, so it could cover things like efforts to reduce waste, implementing an ethical employment policy, carrying out charity work or supporting the local economy through the creation of new jobs.

The way in which different organisations approach CSR can vary; some businesses might invest in a CSR strategy to simply be a good steward for the environment and society around their business, while some organisations may see CSR as a form of branding or reputational management. Often, the implementation of a CSR strategy will cover both of those areas but people are wiser to greenwashing than ever before so, where branding is concerned, authenticity is always better.


CSR is more concerned with looking back and reporting on what an organisation has done, whereas sustainability looks forward and is more focused on the company’s ability to survive long into the future. It’s a wider business and world view of longer-term economic, social and environmental issues and how best the company can navigate those going forward.

Sustainability covers both short and long-term goals, with investment on forward-thinking business practises, product development and sustainable growth. Both CSR and sustainability cover three main areas: environment, society and economy. Where CSR is focused on reporting on these areas, sustainability is focused on acting on these areas.

Making a long-term impact

When it comes to supporting charity, there are a variety of ways organisations do this. Company beach cleans or staff charity days are just a couple of examples. Activities like this are, without doubt, a great initiative and can help a company improve its brand reputation while supporting local charities and boosting staff morale. However, the difference between CSR and sustainability is that sustainability looks at any long-term benefits from this type of activity. If we take the charity day example, a sustainability focus might look at what long-term benefits this could have for the company. If we look at the beach clean example, it’s a similar approach; on its own a very worthwhile endeavor but perhaps when thinking with a sustainability lens there could be a development in beach cleaning technology that could benefit the future of the business. Charity actions like this would form part of a sustainability plan that would then be reported on as part of the company’s CSR strategy.

Focused on the future

In summary, CSR and sustainability are linked but not the same. CSR is a shorter-term reporting initiative whereas sustainability focuses on the future growth and survival of the business while supporting the environmental, social and economic elements that are reported on in CSR.

There are a multitude of benefits they both can bring to your business – from great brand positioning with CSR reporting through to developing new methods and products that will keep your business growing into the future with a strong sustainability focus (as well as a host of benefits to the wider economic, environmental and social landscape).

CSR plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability for several reasons:

  • Environmental Impact: CSR initiatives often focus on minimizing the environmental footprint of business operations. This includes adopting sustainable practices such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving energy and water, minimizing waste, and supporting renewable energy sources. By integrating sustainability into their operations, companies can contribute to environmental preservation and mitigate climate change.
  • Social Responsibility: CSR involves considering the social impact of business activities on employees, communities, and stakeholders. This includes providing fair wages and safe working conditions, supporting community development projects, promoting diversity and inclusion, and respecting human rights. By addressing social issues, businesses contribute to a more sustainable and equitable society.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: CSR encourages companies to engage with various stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and local communities. Through dialogue and collaboration, businesses can better understand the needs and concerns of these stakeholders and integrate them into their decision-making processes. This stakeholder engagement promotes transparency, accountability, and the sustainable development of business practices.
  • Long-term Perspective: Sustainability requires taking a long-term perspective and considering the broader impact of business decisions. By incorporating CSR into their strategies, companies can ensure that their actions align with sustainable goals and create long-term value. This may involve investing in research and development of sustainable technologies, adopting circular economy principles, or supporting social and environmental causes that contribute to a sustainable future.

In summary, CSR and sustainability are closely intertwined. CSR serves as a framework through which companies can actively contribute to sustainability by considering the economic, social, and environmental impacts of their actions and making responsible choices that support long-term sustainability goals.

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As a Startup Specialist and the founder of Aditya Group, Thailand, Ande Aditya is often hired as a Business Advisor to assist business owners to execute their vision.

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